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Christian Leaders offers free, online, at-your-own-pace courses. 

Christian Leaders Institute's Christian Development School offers a Ministry Recognition Program that includes Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas. 

Awards - under 30 CLC credits (unofficial version can be downloaded for free from your Guidance and Credential Panel)
Certificates - 30 CLC credits to 60 CLC Credits
Diplomas - 60 credits and above. 

Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas can be purchased in the Christian Leaders Store ( or directly from the dashboard. Prices are adjusted based on your location/tier, so your price may be lower than that presented in the video. 

Mini-Courses are also a part of the Institute. Mini-courses are less than 5 hours of training in a more specified topic. They also contain forums for students to answer discussion questions and reply to other participants. Mini-courses do not award college credit. 

Остання зміна: понеділок 18 березня 2024 12:52 PM