Bible Study: Encountering God in Dreams - Jacob's Ladder


Exploring the ways God communicates with us during sleep, using Jacob's dream in Genesis 28:10-16 as a starting point to discuss dreams, visions, and Holy Spirit intuitions.


1.5 hours


To understand and discuss how God's presence and direction can manifest in our lives at night, through dreams, visions, or spiritual intuitions, and to reflect on the personal relevance of such divine encounters.

Session Outline

1. Opening (10 minutes)

  • Opening Prayer: Begin with a prayer for openness to God's messages in our sleep and for understanding of His ways of communication.
  • Introduction: Briefly introduce the story of Jacob's dream at Bethel as an example of divine communication during sleep.

2. Reading the Passage (15 minutes)

  • Scripture Reading: Read Genesis 28:10-16 aloud.
  • Initial Thoughts: Ask participants for their initial reactions or thoughts on the passage.

3. Understanding the Historical and Spiritual Context (20 minutes)

  • Background Discussion: Explore the historical and spiritual context of Jacob's dream. Discuss the significance of dreams in biblical times.
  • Open-Ended Question: "In what ways do you think dreams were considered a means of divine communication in biblical times?"

4. The Nature of Divine Dreams and Visions (25 minutes)

  • Interactive Discussion: Delve into the different ways God can speak to us in our sleep – through dreams, visions, and spiritual intuitions.
  • Open-Ended Questions:
    • "Have you ever experienced a dream or vision that you felt had a deeper, possibly divine, meaning? What was it like?"
    • "How can we discern between a regular dream and a divine message?"

5. Personal Reflection and Sharing (20 minutes)

  • Reflective Exercise: Invite participants to share any personal experiences of receiving guidance or messages from God in their sleep.
  • Guided Question: "How have these experiences impacted your faith journey or your understanding of God’s presence in your life?"

6. Applying the Lesson to Our Lives (15 minutes)

  • Group Discussion: How can we become more attuned to God's presence and guidance in our sleep? Discuss practical steps and spiritual disciplines.
  • Open-Ended Question: "What steps can we take to prepare our hearts and minds to receive divine messages in our sleep?"

7. Closing (5 minutes)

  • Summary: Recap the key insights and personal reflections shared in the session.
  • Closing Prayer: Conclude with a prayer for discernment and receptiveness to God's communication in all forms, including dreams and visions.

Modifié le: mardi 26 décembre 2023, 08:04