Diploma of Divinity
You need to complete 16 more courses and 94 more credits to mark this activity complete.
This diploma is ideal for individuals who are called to serve in leadership roles in teaching, biblical studies, or theology. It provides a comprehensive understanding of theology and biblical interpretation.
To receive the
Diploma of Divinity
Requires a 2.00 GPA and to
complete the following :
You need 45 more Units
0 of 95 Minimum Units Completed
To receive the
Diploma of Divinity
Requires a 2.00 GPA and to
complete the following :
16 courses required
Multiplying Christian Leaders (1 Module)
Christian Apologetics (3 Units)
Ethics (3 Units)
History of World Christianity (4 Units)
Church and Ministry (3 Units)
Ministry Foundations (3 Units)
Hermeneutics and Exegesis (3 Units)
New Testament Survey (3 Units)
Old Testament Survey (3 Units)
Pastoral Care (3 Units)
Theology I (4 Units)
Theology II (4 Units)
Christian Basics: Introduction to Christian Doctrine (3 Units)
Sermon Construction and Presentation (4 Units)
People Smart for Ministry (3 Units)
Christian Leaders Connections (3 Units)
45 Elective Minimum