Bachelor of Chaplaincy Degree
You need to complete 36 more courses and 122 more credits to mark this activity complete.
Designed to build specific skills for chaplaincy on the foundation of a biblical worldview. With this degree, you can help to meet the ever-increasing need for effective chaplains, whether volunteers or paid professionals, whether officially ordained or informally ministering in various settings.
- Employ sound principles of interpretation and apply Scripture to contemporary contexts
- Defend the biblical worldview and critique other worldviews
- Biblically assess various doctrinal claims and ministry methodologies
- Describe various kinds of chaplaincy and develop a plan for one’s own chaplaincy
- Demonstrate competence in listening skills, pastoral counseling, and care of souls
- Develop skills to gather information, think critically, and communicate clearly
To receive the
Bachelor of Chaplaincy Degree
Requires a 2.00 GPA and to
complete the following :
Level 3 Endorsement
You need 6 more Units
You need 6 more Units
You need 6 more Units
0 of 123 Minimum Units Completed
Bachelor of Chaplaincy Degree
Requires a 2.00 GPA and to
complete the following :

33 courses required
Christian Apologetics (3 Units)
Ethics (3 Units)
History of World Christianity (4 Units)
Church and Ministry (3 Units)
Ministry Foundations (3 Units)
New Testament Survey (3 Units)
Old Testament Survey (3 Units)
Pastoral Care (3 Units)
Theology I (4 Units)
Theology II (4 Units)
Christian Basics: Introduction to Christian Doctrine (3 Units)
Evangelism: Presenting Grace (3 Units)
People Smart for Ministry (3 Units)
Biblical Wisdom Books (4 Units)
Ministry Care Conversations (3 Units)
Prayer (3 Units)
Marriage Ministry (4 Units)
Introduction to Chaplaincy (3 Units)
Introduction to Sociology (3 Units)
Youth Ministry (3 Units)
Total Fitness (3 Units)
Introduction to Communication (3 Units)
Self-Care and Recovery (3 Units)
Leadership (3 Units)
Life Coaching Ministry (3 Units)
Comparative Religions (2 Units)
Christian Leaders Connections (3 Units)
Leadership Excellence School Admissions (0 Units)
Disability Smart (3 Units)
Sexual Ethics (3 Units)
College Writing (3 Units)
College Writing Lab (1 Unit)
Capstone Bachelor of Chaplaincy (1 Unit)
1 course required
Introduction to Philosophy (3 Units)
Christian Philosophy (3 Units)
Logic and Critical Thinking (3 Units)
1 course required
1 course required
Transfer - Mathematics 1 (3 Units)
Transfer - Science 1 (3 Units)
Astronomy (3 Units)
Introduction to Biology (3 Units)
Practical Mathematics (3 Units)
College Algebra (3 Units)
6 Units Minimum in any of these Categories:
Bible, Theology

6 Units Minimum in the following Category:

6 Units Minimum in the following Category: