PHI 340 - Philosophy of Religion (3 Cr)
Philosophy of Religion
Professor: Dr. Roy Clouser
Contributors: David Feddes, Robert Zomermaand, Henry Reyenga
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This course uses philosophical dialogue to show that religious experience can produce self-evident knowledge of God.Outcomes
1. Gain philosophical understanding of religious experience and self-evident knowledge.
2. Explore key elements of Christian epistemology (theory of knowledge).
3. Grasp that religious experience produces self-evident knowledge of God that is intellectually warranted apart from other evidence or arguments for God's existence.
4. Understand and respond to objections and questions from those who do not believe in God.
Dr. Clouser's book Knowing with the Heart is featured in this course. Most lectures are closely tied to the textbook. The best way to gain understanding is to read a portion of the book, then listen to Dr. Clouser speak, and then read it again. The course also includes two units with videos and accompanying articles by Dr. David Feddes. Each unit of the course suggests an additional reading. This further reading can expand knowledge but is not required and is not covered on the quiz.Assignments
1. Read the assigned material for each unit. Most units have a "lesson" in the textbook as well as other readings from online sources. All assigned content, both video and written, will be considered as background for the quiz at the end of the lesson.
2. Listen to online video lectures.
3. Take the online quiz for each unit. You will have 45 minutes to answer 20 multiple-choice questions for each quiz. Once a quiz has started, you must finish it, and you can't retake it. So be ready ahead of time. While taking the quiz, you may use your notes and refer to articles and other materials. Tip: First answer all the questions you know. Then try to look up answers to questions you don't know. When you have entered an answer for every question, submit the quiz for grading before the 45-minute limit.Grading Scale
A 95-100% A- 90-94% B+ 87-89% B 83-86% B- 80-82% C+ 77-79% C 73-76% C- 70-72% D+ 67-69% D 63-66% D- 60-62% F 0-59%
Your average for the course must be at least 60%. Otherwise, you will fail the class and will receive no credit.Deadline
You have 180 days to finish the course. Complete all assignments before the final deadline, or you will be automatically unenrolled, and all coursework will be removed. You will have to start over and take the class again to receive credit. -
Introduction: What is a Religious Belief?
Types of Religious Belief
Types of Religious Belief (continued)
Self-Evident Knowledge
Conversations so far
How Do You Know?
Knowing by Faith
Objections to Belief in God