Bachelor of Christian Leadership Degree
Designed as a versatile degree to help you to be a well-rounded Christian leader applying a biblical worldview in a wide variety of life situations: business, trades, home, church, ministries. Graduates from high school or home school can earn a degree before entering a trade or master’s level studies. Retirees can strengthen knowledge and increase impact for Christ. The Bachelor of Christian Leadership provides you a double major: a Bible/Theology major and a Ministry major. In addition, you can choose a concentration in an area you want to focus on. If you want a triple major that includes business or philosophy, that is an option with this degree.
· Employ sound principles of interpretation and apply Scripture to contemporary contexts
· Defend the biblical worldview and critique other worldviews
· Biblically assess various doctrinal claims and ministry methodologies
· Demonstrate competence in making disciples, pastoral care, and leadership
· Choose a sphere of influence, relate a biblical worldview to that sphere, and develop leadership abilities within that sphere
· Develop skills to gather information, think critically, and communicate clearly
Bachelor of Christian Leadership Degree
Requires a 2.00 GPA and to
complete the following :

28 courses required
Christian Apologetics (3 Units)
Ethics (3 Units)
History of World Christianity (4 Units)
Church and Ministry (3 Units)
Ministry Foundations (3 Units)
New Testament Survey (3 Units)
Old Testament Survey (3 Units)
Pastoral Care (3 Units)
Theology I (4 Units)
Theology II (4 Units)
Christian Basics: Introduction to Christian Doctrine (3 Units)
Evangelism: Presenting Grace (3 Units)
Biblical Interpretation I (4 Units)
People Smart for Ministry (3 Units)
Biblical Interpretation II (4 Units)
Introduction to Economics (3 Units)
Prayer (3 Units)
Introduction to Sociology (3 Units)
Total Fitness (3 Units)
Introduction to Communication (3 Units)
Leadership (3 Units)
Life Coaching Ministry (3 Units)
Christian Leaders Connections (3 Units)
Leadership Excellence School Admissions (0 Units)
Influence Smart (1 Unit)
College Writing (3 Units)
College Writing Lab (1 Unit)
Capstone Bachelor of Christian Leadership (1 Unit)
1 course required
1 course required
Transfer - Mathematics 1 (3 Units)
Transfer - Science 1 (3 Units)
Astronomy (3 Units)
Introduction to Biology (3 Units)
Practical Mathematics (3 Units)
College Algebra (3 Units)
3 Units Minimum in the following Category:

6 Units Minimum in the following Category:

25 Units Minimum in the following Category: