Christian Philosophy Concentration
You need to complete 7 more courses and 18 more credits to mark this activity complete.
To receive the
Christian Philosophy Concentration
You must have the credential
Bachelor of Christian Leadership Degree
Requires a 2.00 GPA and to
complete the following :
Level 3 Endorsement
0 of 19 Minimum Units Completed
Christian Philosophy Concentration
You must have the credential
Bachelor of Christian Leadership Degree
Requires a 2.00 GPA and to
complete the following :

5 courses required
Biblical Wisdom Books (4 Units)
Introduction to Philosophy (3 Units)
Christian Philosophy (3 Units)
Logic and Critical Thinking (3 Units)
Capstone Bachelor of Christian Leadership (1 Unit)
2 courses required
Comparative Religions (2 Units)
Philosophy of Religion (3 Units)
Sexual Ethics (3 Units)
Ancient Philosophy (3 Units)
Modern Philosophy (3 Units)