Unit 01 02 The Gospel of Matthew

Welcome, I am Rabbi Pedro Aviles. And I want to talk to you about the Gospel of Matthew. This gospel has unique purpose and characteristics that will help you to understand and to gain further knowledge of the scriptures here. So I want to give you several purposes and characteristics. First of all, one of the main purposes for Matthew's, his writing is to demonstrate that Jesus is the Messiah, the Anointed One, the king. Another purpose in Matthew's writing was to present the gospel to the Jewish people, he had them in mind, as he wrote, and pen as led by the Spirit, teachings and that works of Christ. And another unique characteristic of Matthew is that he includes Aramaic language and ideas throughout, that the Jewish people would have understood that we required no translation for them. Another thing is that when we look at the genealogy that Matthew puts in there, he's we find that he couldn't, he connects it, starting with Abraham, the father of the Israelite nation. And another purpose or characteristic of Matthew is that Matthew arranges his data to demonstrate that Jesus is shuwa fulfills the Messianic promises that are found in the Old Testament. wonderful book, Matthew. Matthew presents Jesus and this is what I want you to catch Yeshua as the Messiah King. We have many Old Testament prophecies that are fulfilled, or at least Matthew wants to point them out in his book. And he will often say it through his writing, as it is written, or in fulfillments, of something like that regarding an Old Testament, scripture of processing. So I'll give you a few. The birth of Jesus is connected to David, the dividit covenant and that's seen right off right from the very beginning. Matthew one, verse one right off. Matthew is connecting Messiah, Jesus issue to David. It's a fulfillment of Second Samuel chapter seven, verse 13. Listen to even the virgin birth, that divine birth right at the very beginning, Matthew, in chapter one, verse 23, connects it to Isaiah, chapter seven, verse 14. And through and through, I'll give you a few more read through and through Matthew, we repeatedly points out how Jesus fulfills those messianic promises. Jesus named Emmanuel, God with Jesus was born in Bethlehem, that is, comes from a promissory prophecy, and Malikai and Micah Five, Verse two, like Abraham and the Israelites, here's another one. Jesus traveled in and out of Egypt. That's Hosea chapter 11, verse one, Jesus was said that the Messiah would come out of Nazareth, Jesus was from there. Like the Israelites, in the wilderness, Jesus spent 40 days, tempted, remember, if the Israelites spent 40 years in the wilderness, John the Baptist, prepared the way a type of Elijah, Old Testament in preparing the way for Christ, Jesus authority to teach like Moses who presented the the Torah, the Scripture, Jesus, also presented in authority and he would say, It is written but I say to you, Jesus would say that he was the teacher, the healer, the preacher. There are remember, the Torah has five books Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Jesus, you can somewhat take the book of Matthew and divide the fine that Jesus has 5 million that is Matthew has five major teachings that he describes a Christ


Jesus suffering and across his words, My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me is a direction quote from Psalms 22. Jesus's fulfillment fulfills God's plan from Genesis three and we just see that over and over again. This is Matthew's wonderful insight on how Yeshua, Jesus is the Messiah. Now Jesus, the Messiah, he is just not the Messiah of the Israelites. He is the Messiah of the world. He's the Redeemer of the world. Jesus is to the Jews first. Yes. That's what Paul said in Romans, chapter one, verse 16. But we see him as a type of Jesus, a type of Moses. He's a type of David, we see the characteristic of the Aramaic language and these kinds of things. And just an interesting note here, and the intertestamental period, the Maccabees, they entered Jerusalem. If they were just tired of the oppression of the Romans, and came in riding on a donkey, there were palms and Hosanna was said, as they thought this was a deliverer for the Israelites during that period, what we've seen Jesus also in the same type, enters Jerusalem, on a donkey and Hosanna sung said for him. Here's a couple of just a few more things. Father, Matthew, Jesus is seen as the King of the Jews. Matthew intentionally puts that out, because He wants everyone to understand that Jesus is the Messiah. But you know what? Jesus is more than the King of the Jews. He is the King of kings. And this is just a little bit of the flavor that you can enjoy as you read through Matthew. Next, we'll look at the book of Mark. Another interesting, wonderful way of portraying Christ in His teaching, Yeshua. God bless

Last modified: Friday, January 3, 2025, 7:51 AM