God is Love
By David Feddes

Beloved children

“Beloved” 6x (ἀγαπητοί)

“Children” 9x (παιδία, τεκνία)

  • John speaks lovingly to dear friends, his spiritual children.
  • John speaks to children of the Father who are loved by God.


God is love

  • God is Trinity.
  • God shows love.
  • God fuels love.


God is Trinity

  • God is Father, Son, and Spirit.
  • Three are one in love and being.
  • Never is God unloved or unloving.
  • Never can hate defeat Love.
  • Infinite Love is ultimate reality.

God shows love

  • Father gives us his all.
  • Jesus paid our penalty.
  • Spirit lives inside us.
  • We flourish by trusting the love God shows us.

God fuels love

  • All love comes from God’s love.
  • Love displays union with God.
  • Love grows in us to maturity.
  • Mature love builds confidence.
  • If we love God, we love others.

God is love

  • God is Trinity.
  • God shows love.
  • God fuels love.

最后修改: 2024年07月18日 星期四 15:40